AANS Voting Issues

2025 AANS Humanitarian Award / 2025 Cushing Award for Technical Excellence / Call for 2025 Nominations

2025 AANS Awards

Nominations due Wednesday, Oct. 9th

The AANS awards identified below will be presented at the 2025 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, to be held April 25-28, 2025, in Boston, MA. Voting members of the AANS are invited to submit nominations for the following awards by Wed., Oct. 9.

2025 Humanitarian Award

The Humanitarian Award honors an AANS member whose activities outside of medicine bring great benefit to society. Nominees can be living members from any category of AANS membership who give selflessly of time or talents to a charitable or public activity, who are deserving of recognition by the AANS and whose actions enhance neurosurgery’s image. Activities may be international, national, regional or local and benefit humanity, collectively or individually, without providing remuneration to the recipient.

2025 Cushing Award for Technical Excellence and Innovation in Neurosurgery

The Cushing Award for Technical Excellence and Innovation in Neurosurgery honors an AANS member for technical prowess, skill and/or innovation in the development of new procedures that have become part of the arsenal neurosurgeons use to treat disease or trauma. Nominees may be international or domestic members.

For questions or assistance, please contact Meg Borst, Organizational Affairs Coordinator, at mborst@aans.org or 847.378.0504.

As we approach the AANS Annual Business Meeting, you will be directed to this site for more information on business to be conducted, as well as the 2025 election of officers.