The AANS Section on the History of Neurological Surgery brings together dedicated members passionate about documenting, discussing and preserving the rich legacy of neurological surgery. Founded by esteemed pioneers William C. Hanigan, MD, PhD, FAANS(L); James T. Goodrich, MD, PhD, FAANS; Edward R. Laws Jr., MD, FAANS(L); Christopher B. Shields, MD, FAANS(L); Samuel H. Greenblatt, MD, FAANS(L) and Peter W. Carmel, MD, FAANS(L), this section celebrates the achievements and advancements that have shaped our field. Join us in honoring the past and inspiring the future of neurological surgery.
Join the History Section
AANS members with a deep interest in the history of medicine are encouraged to apply.

Support the History Section
Your contribution to the History Section will help fund the programs that preserve the history of our specialty.
Champion the History Section’s NREF Peter Carmel Honor Your Mentor Fund
The ANNS History Section is asking for your help in funding an Honor Your Mentor fund in the name of Dr. Carmel and his significant contributions to the practice of neurosurgery and his life-long dedication to neurosurgical history. The fund will be dedicated to support preservation and research related to neurosurgical history.
Explore the Evolution of Neurological Surgery
Dive into the captivating history of neurological surgery through our collection of insightful videos. Discover the milestones, pioneering figures, and groundbreaking advancements that have shaped the field. Click the links below to start your journey through time and innovation.