
Neurosurgery Urges Congress to Fund Additional GME Slots

  • Graduate Medical Education
  • The Honorable Chuck Schumer
    Majority Leader
    United States Senate
    Washington, DC 20510
  • The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
    United States House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi:

On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, the undersigned groups urge you to build upon the historic investment in the health care workforce in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and in particular GME, as you consider the upcoming budget reconciliation legislation. Physicians are a vital component of our nation’s health care infrastructure, and as we have seen throughout the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, investments to increase the number of physicians are sorely needed. Our groups urge you to include
policies that would increase Medicare support for GME in the budget reconciliation legislation.

The United States is facing a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, which is almost certain to be exacerbated by an aging physician population, rising rates of physician burnout, and early retirement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Access issues persist for patients in both rural and urban underserved communities, and in both primary and specialty care. In order to meet the needs of our diverse and growing nation, ensure patient access to care, improve provider diversity and health equity, and prepare for the next public health crisis, it is clear that we must invest in physician training.

Click here to read the full Neurosurgery Urges Congress to Fund Additional GME Slots.